Saturday, October 27, 2007

Game 7 of the American League Championship

Bun at Work

Thanks to my favorite sister and my favorite brother-in-law. John and I had a great time at the game.

Merry and Eddie

Princesses Everywhere!

Pumpkin & Pie Night at School

Merry decorated her pumpkin and posed for a picture with one of the school assistant teachers.

A trip to Ward's Berry Farm

Merry and Ya-Ya took a trip to Ward's Berry Farm to pick out pumpkins and check out the activities. It's been a great October (check out the short sleeves), but cold weather will be heading our way soon!

Climbing the Hay Mountain

Swinging on the Swings

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

What a cutie!

Chocolate and Golf

Two of John's favorite things, Hershey Chocolate and Tiger Woods!

Buddhist Temple

Maid of the Mist Ride

Niagara Falls (American Side)

Canadian Side

Horseshoe Falls